Detection and quantification of DNA by dPCR / digital PCR in a CRO
Digital PCR testing measures gene expression for new therapies development from discovery through ind-finding. Discover the capabilities of Oncodesign Services in dPCR.
What is dPCR / digital PCR?
Digital PCR (dPCR) is a technique used in oncology research to detect and quantify specific DNA or RNA molecules associated with the targeted disease. In dPCR, the sample DNA or RNA is partitioned into thousands of individual reaction chambers or droplets. Thanks to an enzymatic reaction, digital PCR will specifically amplify and quantify a nucleic acid sequence that is not very abundant, and therefore not detectable without this amplification.
It is a sensitive and precise method that offers advantages over traditional PCR (polymerase chain reaction) for certain applications.
Digital PCR is the latest and most sensitive approach for developing cell and gene therapies, biomarkers, or oligonucleotides.
The advantages of digital PCR:
Precision and direct quantification
Resistant to PCR inhibitors
More sensitive: ability to detect rare events in a sample (0.01%) or very low quantity biomarkers (0.25 copies/μL)
Several fluorescence detection channels: between 2 to 6 wavelengths
dPCR / Digital PCR in oncology
dPCR offers a highly sensitive and precise tool for studying various aspects of cancer biology. It has the potential to improve cancer diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment decision-making by providing accurate and reliable molecular information.
Example of Digital PCR applications:
- Quantification of DNA, mRNA, and oligonucleotide pharmaceuticals
- Gene expression in relevant tissues, by qPCR/dPCR
- Safety: viral shedding, biodistribution
- Analysis of DNA methylation
- Bacteria and virus detection by dPCR
Oncodesign Services offers bioanalysis services by digital PCR
Oncodesign Services offers a large panel of bioanalytical technologies including PCR and dPCR, under the same roof and 20 years of expertise in bioanalysis to match your needs in terms of speed, sensitivity and throughput. We offer method development, method transfert, method validation and sample analysis.

Our bioanalytic platform is composed of:
- ThermoFisher QuantStudio 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System (qPCR)
- Qiagen QIAcuity Four digital PCR (dPCR)
- Flow cytometry (FACS)
- Ligand Binding assays
- Immunogenicity assays