An integrated drug discovery solution:
a complete continuum from target to clinical candidate
DRug Integrative discoVEry, a premium service from target validation to preclinical candidate for:
- New chemical entities – DRIVE-Small Molecule
- Targeted radiopharmaceutical products – DRIVE-Molecular RadioTherapy
- New biological entities – DRIVE-Biologics

The pharmaceutical industry continues to face enormous challenges in its efforts to bring innovative therapeutic treatments to patients.
The high rate of clinical failure may be mediated in part by a better understanding of the molecular basis of diseases, and robust pharmacological proof-of-concept with demonstrated target engagement and efficacy data.
Open innovation in pharmaceutical R&D aiming to tackle these challenges has created new opportunities where, alongside pharma, biotech and start-ups, contract research and technological-based companies cooperate in a synergistic fashion, each partner bringing its scientific contribution and technical expertise.
Oncodesign Services has built a team of drug discovery experts to provide innovative solutions and accelerate your discovery process to deliver novel drug candidates through our offering – DRIVE-IDDS.
DRIVE-IDDS offers a comprehensive solution through the entire drug discovery value chain from target validation to IND-filing, aiming to deliver and accelerate the entry of high-quality new chemical and biological entities into the clinic
The advantages of the DRIVE-IDDS offer
- An agile and flexible solution that works in stages from Target Validation to IND rigorously managed at Pharma standard of excellence
- A collaborative culture rooted in the quality and the expertise of an experienced multi-disciplinary team of dedicated scientists
- An efficient and proactive transfer of information, data, and technologies
For Oncodesign Services, the key is to succeed together.
A request for a discovery project ? Contact us!