Scientific publications | Oncodesign Services

Calcium(II)-Catalyzed Chemoselective and Regioselective Epoxide Ring-Opening with NH Sulfoximines

Circle Oncodesign Services


Nicolas S George, Marharyta Kosiuha, Alexandre Moquette, Christophe Parsy (Oncodesign Services)


We describe herein a versatile methodology for the synthesis of 1,2-sulfoximidoyl ethanols thanks to a Ca(NTf2)2-catalyzed epoxide ring-opening with NH sulfoximines in 2-MeTHF at 90 °C. The reaction is regioselective by an attack on the less hindered position of the epoxides. The chemoselectivity is assessed by competition reactions with others nucleophiles.

Ref :
EurJOC, 2022,


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