Cell-based assays - Oncodesign Services

Scleroderma models

Circle Oncodesign Services

Preclinical CRO Services for scleroderma inflammation diseases


Scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis, is a complex autoimmune connective tissue disorder characterized by fibrosis and vascular abnormalities. With a prevalence of 5 per million people, this disease represents an important unmet need, with no existing therapies, which can impact disease progression, particularly in early diffuse patients.

Developing treatments for scleroderma involves the use of various models to study the underlying mechanisms and test potential therapeutic interventions.

Oncodesign Services offers access to several standard preclinical models addressing a variety of skin pathologies, including scleroderma, and provides CRO support for de novo development of new skin inflammation models recently described in literature.


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Typical readouts for skin inflammation

Body weight

Clinical score

skin histology

Lung histology

Gene expression

Oncodesign Services scleroderma models

Oncodesign Services, a CRO specialized in Inflammatory Diseases Research, helps you to choose the best models to recapitulate the features of human scleroderma disease and consider the ethical implications associated with animal research.

Our in vivo models bank includes:

  • Bleomycin induced in mice
  • (In development) Topoisomerase I peptide loaded dendritic cells
  • (In development) Topoisomerase-I and CFA

Combining different models and approaches enhances the translational relevance and robustness of preclinical research in Scleroderma models drug development.


Contact us for more detail about these models

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