Oncology - Oncodesign Services

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)

Circle Oncodesign Services

CRO services to study Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) on cancer models



What are the Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)?

A tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) is a pharmaceutical drug which blocks the activity of tyrosine kinases, enzymes involved in the cell signaling process. Indeed, tyrosine kinases influence the communication, development, division and growth of cells. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are therefore a type of growth factor inhibitor therapy.

Some tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKis) are used in the development of new therapeutics solutions for cancer. They are implicated in tumorigenesis and progression, and have emerged as major targets for drug discovery.

For a few years, numerous TKIs proven to be effective anti-tumor agents and anti-leukemic agents.

Examples of TKIs

◈ Afatinib
◈ Axitinib
◈ Cabozantinib
◈ Regorafenib
◈ Selumetinib
◈ Sorafenib
◈ Gefitinib
◈ Lapatinib
◈ Lenvatinib
◈ Pazopanib
◈ Sunitinib
◈ Vandetanib


In vivo evaluation of Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) at Oncodesign Services

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors represent a thriving class of novel molecules for propose new specific therapeutic options and develop tumor models. At Oncodesign Services, tyrosine kinase inhibitors are regularly used as reference compounds in humanized and mouse tumor studies.


Please find below some examples of models :

  • Mouse tumor models
    • C38
    • CT26
    • EMT6
    • Hepa1-6
    • LLC1
    • MBT-2
    • Renca
  • Human tumor models
    CDX models :  PDX models : 
    • 786-O
    • A-431
    • A-498
    • BB64-RCC
    • BT-474
    • Calu-6
    • CGL-3
    • HCT-116
    • HepG2
    • HT-29
    • MDA-MB-231
    • U-87 MG
    • CR-IC-0032P
    • CR-IGR-0012P
    • CR-IGR-0014P
    • IM-LIV-516



Many translational research programs are currently being implemented at Oncodesign Services, and should lead to the use optimum of these compounds.

If you want to know more about your results on various TKIs (afatinib, Cabozantinib, Gefitinib ,…), don’t hesitate to contact us!